beautiful husband and I are taking a vacation next week! Woo-stinkin-Hoo! I am
beyond excited. We are going to the Eastern Shore; Assateague, Chincoteague,
Cape Charles, and who knows where else. We
are taking the kids CAMPING for four nights at Kiptopeke State Park.
read right, we are taking our 5 year old Noah and our 2 year old Maia tent
camping. And I am not scared, not in the least. I am excited about it.
Something about camping just does it for me. I love to be outside, I love trees
and campfire and wind blowing through my tent and having nature’s symphony lull
me to sleep. I love packing for camping, and I love setting up camp. I love
making order of the chaos and living simply.
we are car camping at a state park, so we will have electricity and bathrooms
and showers very close by, so we are not roughing it in the slightest, but
there is still something exhilarating about meeting the challenge of having to
cook food on an open fire and wash clothes and dishes in a bathroom sink and
having everything we need packed up
in the trunk of my car to survive outside for the better part of a week. When we get there and set up camp, and begin
living outdoors, and we meet our first obstacle, and I have packed something which
becomes the solution, I seriously get a high from that, it’s disturbing really.
so I have been packing since Monday. We leave Sunday after church, today is
Friday and we are just over halfway packed. Oh, well, you know, I had to create
a Camping! Board on Pinterest, and fill it with awesome ideas about camping and
what-to-do-with-your-toddler-while-camping, then I had to implement about 5 out
of 300 of those suggestions. So now the
kids are packed, and our swimming/rain bag is packed, and our
kitchen/bathroom/Campsite boxes are packed.
We still have to pack ourselves and kids’ toys and pack a cooler with
groceries. What’s that you say? Of course I planned the menu already! But we
are only planning to cook about 6 meals, since I figure it will rain some and
we won’t be able to get a good fire going, so we will have to eat out (tough
best part about camping is that we grow closer each time. We make memories each
time. We are forced to talk. Phones, TVs, movies, these are no longer a part of
our relational process. We are forced to find things to do with each other or
die of boredom. I am especially excited that
Maia is coming this year. It will be her first year camping. Noah has gone each
year since he was 18 months old. He
loves the dirt, and loves to find “treasures” when we hike, and generally and
sincerely picked up a respect and admiration for nature, I like to think as a
result of those trips, although it may just be engrained in him.
however, is a bit prissier by nature. She doesn’t spend as much time outside
and is generally whinier and harder to please than Noah. I have packed paint and we will gather and
paint rocks and make art out of them and take pictures of it. I have printed
out a leaf identification guide and we will have contests about who can gather
the most different leaf types for a prize. We will have a scavenger hunt, swim in the
Bay, climb the lighthouse, hike trails, and I even planned for some spontaneity.
hear its going to rain, but that doesn’t scare me much. We have rain gear
packed, and we will just prepare to be wet. We are going to make the most of
this week. We are going to listen to each other, really listen. And we will
make memories. I will relax and play and relax and read and relax. I can’t wait. I'm already salivating over the stories to to follow*!
*I vow not to be so engrossed in capturing the memories that I don't live in them. I will put down the camera and focus on my family.
3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
~Psalm 8:3-9
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