Friday, June 14, 2013

Last Day Blues

Trina and Alyssa,

I am MOURNING our loss of the best daycare providers God could ever have lead me to. People laugh when I tell them that I met you at your yard sale. And I'm all like, "You wish YOU had her." But, I loved you then and I have been nothing but presently surprised since.

I had some trepidation at the idea of giving my precious ones over to a lady I knew nothing about. This is the first time they have been with anyone other than family.  I called to check up on you. I prayed about you, but something in my gut told me, ‘Do it. They won’t die.’  Not only did they not die, but they learned, they played, they crafted (you do the BEST crafts, the kind I love to display and plan to keep), they got so dirty (you’d think I’d remember to bring wipes and another outfit after so many of the dirt-filled blissful backyard days, but no) but most importantly, they were loved.

And not just loved in the ‘everyone-is-special’, positive reinforcement kind of careful, politically correct way, but in the ‘Are-you-crazy? Your-momma-would-never-let-you-do-that-and-neither-will-I-now-go-sit-inside-and-have-a-minute’ kind of way.  The first few days when I would pick them up and you would stop our conversation to correct them even though I was standing right there, I knew I had found the real deal. You treat them all like they are yours. And they love you like you are theirs.

You see, I come from the ‘it takes a village’ mentality. And yours is the BEST. DARN. VILLAGE. AROUND. I love you, and will miss you dearly, and if and when we come back to Chester, I hope you will SAVE OUR SPOT.

Dario, Amber, Noah, and Maia Amato

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