Ugh. Today is just...kldnsdfsjh;fhksk. Yep, it's
like that. I made a mistake a few nights ago and it is bothering me.
I must admit, I had quite a run of happy days
with minimal problems and very little stress. I admit I am smack in the middle
of a very content and lovely season of life. Things are going along swimmingly,
I have everything I need. Family and friends abound, church, work, and extracurricular
running smoothly, bills paid, healthy, truly all good. Future so bright, I
gotta wear shades.
I'm reminded that "in this world, you will
have trouble" (John 16:33). Things can't always be roses and sunshine,
(although they should). I have prayed, I have read God's word, and I have
talked it over with my varied arsenal of sound counsel. I have appropriately
convinced myself that there is nothing more I can do, but I still feel uneasy.
I'm about to cross the bridge from pride to regret. I was hoping not to visit
that place. I could do entirely without having to see it ever again. but alas,
here we are.
I am not about to air my dirty laundry, but I
will say this: family is the most complicated love there is, and we can't take
back our words. I am learning that I cannot fix everything. I have a hard time
with not being able to fix things. I think I'm great at coming up with
efficient solutions to problems, and I am chock full of advice and consolation
for just about any situation. When there is something that I have done, which could
have been improved upon, I walk myself right on through the same conversation I
would have with myself if I were my best friend (I am), then I walk through
with it with my real friends just to be sure I am right.
You see, I have this uncanny ability (or in my
mind I do) to feel what others feel. My powers of empathy run in overdrive ALL
THE TIME. I consider other's feelings to the detriment of my own. That's not to
say that this trait is pure selflessness; see previous paragraph. What happens
when the way I perceive someone must feel given a certain circumstance
is...wrong? Ugh, I shudder at the thought. My intuition is impeccable.
Wanting to be the fixer-upper is a symptom of
pride. When it comes right down to it, I need to think before I speak. I am supposed
to speak Life. I should know better by now. But as long as I am breathing, God
is working on me. Next up: Humility (Not my strong suit).
The remainder of the scripture I
mentioned earlier is "But take heart! I have overcome the world." If
it feels wrong, it is the Holy Spirit within me (Thank God) that will not allow
unlovely things to exist within me. While I am not responsible with how others
think act or feel, I am responsible for what comes out of my mouth, and I need
to make sure that it is always lovely.
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