Saturday, August 2, 2014

His Bride, My Family

Youth camp; first off, an oceanfront beach resort is hardly a camp. No bugs, sand replaces mud, and sunscreen and tanned skin replaces grass stains and sweat. Well, there was still sweat, but you get where I am going. I was fortunate enough to help coordinate this year's youth camp (or luxurious beach week, we'll call it) at my church, and I am stunned into submission. I surrender. Our church can have me, it can just keep me. 

You know the scripture about the members of one body in 1 Cor. 12? Surprise, it's a real thing. I've seen it many times; I am reminded of my amazing Life Group family, the Band of Believers, and our church staff, and now the youth camp crew. There were people loading and unloading and setting up heavy staging, sound, and lighting equipment, people painstakingly preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 200 people, people leading, mentoring, and loving on the youth, and people planning and executing worship, beach games, and many other fruitful activities for these students. The kicker? They did so with smiles; no complaints. They were happy to serve in these ways. I am blown away. Gratitude and awe are not strong enough words for the feeling of fulfillment I have. 

Messages were brought. The camp theme, "MORE", described the unintelligible greatness of our God. Next Generation Pastor Jerry Alan Witte, the man with the plan from whom this camp theme was birthed, guest speaker Wes Aarum, our Pastor Randy Hahn, and Discipleship Pastor James Ford each spoke truth and inspiration and life into the group daily. In the intimate setting, it was fitting to hear personal stories that mirror biblical truths. Maybe this stuff IS relevant. Maybe we should listen up, give God's Word our attention.

What moved me the most was two things that go hand in hand. Things that cannot be faked nor forced. The first is the respect and positive behavior of the students who attended. These are good kids. They love one another and they love The Lord and I am impressed by their maturity. There was very little drama, and I mean it when I say I am SUPER. GLAD. FOR. MINIMAL. DRAMA. Ohmagolly am I glad. The other thing I will be forever grateful for are the relationships made and solidified during this short time. God expanded my family. He did. Family is a big ole fat deal to me, and my family grew significantly on this trip. Oh, I fell in love with some new friends and grew even more fond of old ones. We looked forward to seeing each other each day and wanted to help each other, to dance and laugh and serve together and to make one another smile. That's God. Only He does that. 

To my #youthcampMORE friends, I love you and look forward to the next journey.

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